The Music Of Veronica Mars

Episode 1-9: "Drinking The Kool-Aid"

  1. Identify this song!: The song that starts playing while Veronica is driving back from her meeting at the prison, and also continues while she’s figuring out who took the surveillance photos of her.
  2. "When The Angels Sing" by Social Distortion (White Light White Heat White Trash, 1996): the song Weevil tries to pass off as his own poem in class during the flashback.
  3. "Make a Deal with the City" by East River Pipe (Shining Hours In A Can, 1994): The song playing when Veronica first visits the cult camp. See Notes for more info.
  4. "Oh! Sweet Nuthin'" (originally performed by the Velvet Underground, Loaded, 1970): sung around the campfire.
  5. "(You Gotta Walk) Don't Look Back" by Peter Tosh with Mick Jagger (Bush Doctor, 1978; GH): The song playing the second time Veronica visits the camp when the leader shows her the greenhouse.
  6. "Have a Nice Day" by Stereophonics (Just Enough Education to Perform, 2001): The song playing at the camp while they all are preparing the food.
  7. Identify this song!: The song playing while Veronica is dropping off Casey at the camp. Contains the line "...she knows all my friends...."
  8. "Famous Lover" by The Fire Marshals Of Bethlehem (Songs For Housework, 2005): The song playing at Casey’s grandmother’s funeral. See Notes for more info.
  9. Identify this song!: An instrumental part of a song playing at the end while Veronica is shredding the paternity test results.


  • East River Pipe: You can download "Make A Deal With The City" here (download link on the right side of the page) and listen to the song at the band's MySpace page.
  • Fire Marshals Of Bethlehem: You can download a clip of "Famous Lover" here.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cool that this show featured both a song by the greatest ever American rock and roll band (the Velvet Underground) and a song from an album whose title is clearly meant as a VU tribute (i.e., to White Light/White Heat).

9:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The music that plays during the scene where Veronica is driving back from the prison is also the same music used when Veronica is with Amelia DeLongpre at the beginning of 1-17 "Kanes & Abels"

11:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really think the music used at the beginning of the episode is score. If you listen to Josh Kramon's "Dog Tags" score, you can see the definite similarities.

2:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thank you for this pg i always wanted to know wat the song have a nice day was callewd this so helped

8:21 PM  
Blogger Pure_VM_Fan said...

I think that the song playing while Veronica is driving back form seeing Abel Koontz, i think that it isn't a piece form a song even though Josh Kramon's 'Dog Tags' has a cheek similarity to it.

6:50 AM  
Blogger Uniquely orange and avant-garde, me. said...

is the song playing when veronica dropped casey off 'how many friends' by the who?

9:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Identify this song!: An instrumental part of a song playing at the end while Veronica is shredding the paternity test results.

This song is also used in the scene where Veronica signs away her college money to put Lianne in rehab.

12:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Uniquely is right it is the song 'How many friends' by The Who it is just a cover though.

4:52 AM  

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