The Music Of Veronica Mars

Episode 3-20: "The Bitch Is Back"

  1. "It's A Curse" by Wolf Parade (Apologies To The Queen Mary, 2005): Veronica tracks Chip down in the cafeteria
  2. "Bad Day" sung by Kristen Bell (originally performed by Daniel Powter, Daniel Powter, 2006): Veronica mockingly sings to Domonick. See Notes for more info.
  3. "Set Out Running" by Neko Case & Her Boyfriends (Furnace Room Lullaby, 2000): Veronica stakes out the North Quad newspaper stand
  4. "It Never Rains In Southern California" by Albert Hammond (It Never Rains In Southern California, 1973; GH): Veronica votes Keith for sheriff. See Notes for more info.


  • Daniel Powter: You can listen to "Bad Day" at the artist's MySpace page and watch the video at the artist's website.
  • Albert Hammond: You can download a clip of "It Never Rains In Southern California" here.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say thank you very much for maintaining this site for all this time, it's been a great resource for such a great show. I know I'll still be coming here whenever I wonder what that good song I remember is, even if there won't be any more episodes (way to go CW, cancel the only good show on your network).

12:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank your so much for all of the Veronica Mars information and trivia and especially for the music.

I first discovered Veronica Mars through my girlfriend, through a Salon article and through the fact that so many Buffy fans liked the show. Immediately afterward I discovered the "Mars Investigations" website, which finally convinced me to rent the first season and then buy it.

It was a great show at times, and I am sad to see it go. The last few moments of "The Bitch is Back" were heartbreaking.

I wrote a little about those last few moments at my LiveJournal weblog if you are interested. It's called 'Goodbye, Veronica Mars: A close look at the last moments of "Veronica Mars" and the Song that Closed the Show'

10:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just adding to the fanfare! Thank you all for the ridiculous amount of work that you've put in on this site! I come every week to see what's new - I hope you keep the site available for us VM music junkies. :o)

2:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so heartbroken ... this show was amazing and so was (is) your website.
the last song (it never rains in southern california) is so so sad for me....

3:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So this was the end? :( Episode 20 was the end? I really wanted for Veronica and Logan to get back together. What kind of an ending is that? :( Could it be that they left an open ending just in case? Pls? Pls? Pls? :)

2:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey! I only recently found the site, and it is fantastic! I am a total music junky and Veronica Mars has such a great sound. Thanks a bunch for keeping this around since the end, I am discovering new musicians as I type!

Arlais Fale.

6:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi. I'm not a American. so my English is ver poor. but I want to tell you how much I thanks to you.
I get some information about veronica mars form this site.
when I watch this show, I can't understand every speech based on American culture. When I can't unerstand something, I always visted this site, and I could find the answer. thank you for all thing. I really want to talk about more things, but I'm poor at speaking English. I really want God bless this site and you.

9:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess this is it.

(8)it's time to let go of everything we used to know(8)

do you realize how IMPORTANT an ending song can be?
"breathe me" by sia in SFU
"brighter discontent" in the season finale of Nip/tuck
or "life is a song" on the O.C.

well, i guess that's the case with "it never rains..."

Even though I only REALLY loved the first season, it's sad to say goodbye (and it happened the same with THE OC), but the MUSIC, the music was the biggest thing and it will be missed
(have you noticed that "grey's..." use a lot of the same music?)

8:51 PM  
Blogger Dinah said...

thank you so much for this site. I recently went on a Season 2 binge and am obsessed with all of the music from the show. Thanks for the links and information!

8:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say, your blog has been a tremendous help in putting together a unofficial soundtrack compilation.

Couldn't have done it without you.

If you want to save you from the trouble of doing it all by yourself, check the big public torrent sites.

You might just get lucky.


10:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi, i can't stop searching the song or the music which is playing when Veronica is in her car, she's about to go in the Castle and we hear her voice but there is a music too, please if you know the name of the kind of desperate thx

12:37 PM  
Blogger Camila said...

I'm a huge fan of Veronica Mars, and I had no idea of your blog....shame on me!
Thanks for all your tips, I loooooove Veronica!!

11:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for keeping Veronica Mars alive. I can't believe I missed out all these years, and now it's gone forever. =(

8:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for the ridiculous amount of work you put into this site.luv you!veronica mars rocks! I was sad to see it go but...
proof: go on or some such site and you will see a veronica mars season four. If there are enough people buying the seasons they will continue it.
long live vm!!!!

4:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, since Veronica and Logan did't get back together, i will content myself with the ending of this awesome show as being an opening for some awesome fanfics. thanks for posting this all ^.^ i have found some great music here!

5:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I finally got an iPod, and have enjoyed downloading VM music to it. If we can't have the show, at least we can have our own soundtrack. Alas, how can there be 8 million reality shows and yet VM was canceled? I'm still not over it, especially when I listen to the music.

9:52 PM  
Blogger Flock To said...

Ditto to the other comments, excellent blog. There is another song in this episode just before Veronica breaks into the Kane house (when she is sitting in her car with camera in hand), "Feist - My Moon My Man". Its just the first beat of the song, but its a great song so i thought it should be added. Thanks again!

10:42 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

u wer de bst show on tv and loads of ppl agree with me cum on tv or else repeat de same episodes on tv pretty please!!!:)

6:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mary...I don't have a f*cking clue of what you're saying. It's not a cell phone.


2:11 PM  
Blogger jqw said...

Instrumental sample playing in the background while VM breaks into Kane estate is from Feist's My Moon My Man.

8:41 PM  
Blogger Parka said...

Great resource for songs. Too bad the series has ended. I liked the show. Cheers

7:03 AM  
Anonymous Jesica said...

Thanks a lot for great work on Veronics music.
keep it up.

7:31 AM  
Blogger Hitt Music Group CEO: David Hitt said...

This was such a great show, with awesome music.

David Hitt
Song Placements

3:27 PM  
Anonymous said...


5:36 PM  
Anonymous adriana said...

Thank you so much for having this site! I was just re-watching some episodes and was so excited to find it!

6:16 PM  
Anonymous Mélanie Visée said...

Thank you so much for your blog, I'm a great fan ofVeronica Mars and I really love all these musics. Thanks thanks thanks !! :)

9:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have started watching Veronica Mars on soapnet and was wondering what song is playing for that commerical.

2:11 AM  
Blogger Amanda said...

Love love love Veronica Mars. It's definitely up there with Buffy and my few other all time favorites. The genius of VM was not the music (even though it was very good) or at some spots it was also not the writing. The characters were the strength of the show, and I'd love to see an ensemble be that great and show that much heart again. Rob Thomas did another great ensemble show, Party Down, which had a lot of VM cast on it, but Veronica Mars was a perfect moment in time. At least it lives on in my DVD player and on Soapnet... I miss good TV.

7:08 PM  
Anonymous Obat Wasir Ambeien Untuk Ibu Hamil said...

I have started watching Veronica Mars on soapnet and was wondering what song is playing for that commerical.

3:50 AM  

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