Episode 3-11: "Poughkeepsie, Tramps & Thieves"
- "Never The Same Again" by Moonlight Towers (Like You Were Never There, 2005): played in the Food Court while Veronica checks the phone of the guy from New York. Download it!
- "Yeah!" by the Golden Dogs (Everything In 3 Parts, 2004): still dressed in his old uniform, Keith pulls up next to Sheriff Lamb. See Notes for more info.
- "A Thousand Kisses Deep" by Leonard Cohen (Ten New Songs, 2001; GH): Veronica & Logan's pillow talk about their histories
- "Wheels" by Mark Lanegan (Scraps At Midnight, 1998): Max's friends interrupt his time with Wendy
- Golden Dogs: You can listen to "Yeah!" in its entirety here at the band's website.